Lyrics and translation
Apie ką šitas filmas? | What (Who) is this movie about? |
Kur tas vaikas, pilnas aušros? Pilnas miško, užlieto saulės, Ežero pilnas skaidros, pilnas pasaulio, pilnas – Apie ką šitas filmas? Ir kas režisavo? Kiek jame tavo? Kiek jame tavo? Įkvėpk vakaro gaivą, iškvėpk, dėl nieko negaila, Randai – vien tik ženklai ant odos, iš ten, kur buvai kitados, Vaikas, pilnas aušros, vaikas, pilnas aušros, Vaikas pilnas aušros. Apie ką šitas filmas? Ir kas režisavo? Kiek jame tavo? Kiek jame tavo? Įkvėpk vakaro gaivą, iškvėpk, dėl nieko negaila, Randai – vien tik ženklai ant odos, iš ten, kur buvai kitados, Vaikas, pilnas aušros, vaikas, pilnas aušros, Vaikas pilnas aušros. |
Where is that child full of dawn? Full of the forest filled with the sun, Full of the clearness of the lake, full of the world, full - What is this movie about? And who directed it? How much of yourself is in it? How much of yourself is in it? Breathe in the freshness of the evening, breathe out, nothing to regret, The scars – are only signs on the skin, from somewhere you’ve once been, Child full of dawn, child full of dawn, Child full of dawn. What is this movie about? And who directed it? How much of yourself is in it? How much of yourself is in it? Breathe in the freshness of the evening, breathe out, nothing to regret, The scars – are only signs on the skin, from somewhere you’ve once been, Child full of dawn, child full of dawn, Child full of dawn. Explanation: “Who” and “What” are non-distinguishable entities in Lithuanian language |